Making Lemonade

What a year. Never has the word "unprecedented" been used so much!
Life has certainly given most of us lemons this year. And sometimes it's difficult to remain positive. But, for me, life is better when you look for the silver linings. When COVID hit in March, just after the South Coast bushfires in December/January and then the flooding that followed in February, I coped by working on keeping my business, Dowry, afloat. I worked with Toscha (a clever ideas woman and friend) and my mother, Christine Land, on developing our online store and making new products. Our lovely and loyal customers responded generously, so much so, that when the opportunity appeared to expand, we were able to take it.
So, by expand, I mean move our workshop and retail space to a beautiful old building in prime main street position. The building we moved to is heritage listed and used to be an old bank. The facade is grand, the ceilings are high, the windows are arched and it feels like Dowry has found its home. Lucky, because moving SUCKS. And I don't wish to move shops ever again! I had lots of help, however. Mum almost single handedly sorted out the years of fabric accumulation in our workroom, and my husband and his band of merry tradesmen, renovated our new space to perfection. Also there were so many local makers/artisans who I commissioned to do the signage, counter, mural, lighting and curtains. Everyone of them were a pleasure to work with and put their heart and soul into whatever they were doing. The legends include Thomas Westra for signage, Duncan Irving for the mural, Bingi Builders for the counter and fitout, Clare Elliot for the lighting, and Chris Land for the change room curtains. Big shout outs to my team of ladies, including Cathy Cooper, Sam Dryden, Toscha Irving, Christine Land, Ash Jones, Ruby-Tuesday for support and help through the journey.
We are still feeling out our new space and position, but overall, the vibe is positive. The support and well wishes from other businesses and customers has been overwhelming. People can be so kind! And I look confidently into the future for Dowry. The lemonade is SWEET.
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