$135.00 AUD
When you purchase from Bibi&Me you experience the true reciprocity of giving. Your purchase directly impacts the female artisans and weaving cooperatives we work with and their families, by creating sustainable income generating opportunities.
A kiondo is an African handwoven handbag typically made from sisal and is indigenous to the Kikuyu and Kamba tribes of Kenya. You will never see two baskets the same and the small irregularities you may find comes from the true beauty of being made by hand.
A basket or 'kiondo' this size may take up to 4 full days to create and usually three weeks from order to fulfilment as they are woven in between times of a busy family and work life. Basket weaving has become an additional sustainable income source for our weavers.
White and cobalt basket made of recycled polythene with short and long leather handles. Our order arrived with the makers name written on cardboard - Gladys and Patricia.
The baskets have many uses - great for carrying all your bits and pieces shopping or to the beach, but also fantastic for storage in the bathroom or toyroom. The short- handled baskets are perfect as a plant container also.
Approximate Size: Medium Dimension: 30cm diameter, 28cm high